Saturday, December 30, 2017

Flapping Parrot - Page 7 finished!

So I guess yesterday's post isn't my last post of 2017, but this will be. I just finished the 7th page of the Flapping Parrot!



I love it and I think it looks great so far (if I do say so myself)!

Time to put this one away. In the new year I will be knitting my friend's baby blanket and working on Medieval Shelf! H³ just made the selection and I'm excited to be stitching on that one - the colors are wonderful and who doesn't love two little dragons sword fighting with a medieval-themed bookshelf behind them?

Happy New Year and Happy Stitching, everyone!

Friday, December 29, 2017

Flapping Parrot 16

Christmas break provided me a lot of unprecedented stitching time! I turned my computer off Friday night and didn't turn it back on or check my work e-mail until Wednesday morning. Things had been pretty quiet - I only had 200 e-mails! The result is 10 more hours of stitching!



These pages of the flapping parrot are pretty easy and go pretty quick - it's just background. But! There will be a page finish soon and then H³ will have to pick another pattern. However, my best friend (of over 20 years) just had her first baby so I have a baby blanket to finish. It's kind of mind blowing to me. I'm at that age where all my friends are making tiny humans of their own. Mind blowing.

Another thing I didn't mention (shame on me) is the lovely gift from The Craft Princess! Cliffhanger by Aimee Stewart found its way into my inbox:

This is the Supersize Master Color version. Can't wait! Thank you, Crafty Princess!

Well, that's it from me for 2017. I hope 2018 is a far better year for everyone, including myself. Stay safe this New Year's Eve, keep your pets safe especially if they're easily spooked, and enjoy yourselves responsibly. Wishing you all the best in the New Year, and, of course, plenty of stitching!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Flapping Parrot 15

Stitched my first 10 hours of page 7 of the Flapping Parrot!



It feels good to stitch again, although I'm still working a lot. Christmas is the busiest time of year for us at work. Either way, I still try to get some stitching in on the weekends and I took the day after Christmas off so I have an extra day to be lazy.

I also signed up for the Cloudsfactory 2018 Legendary Creatures Alphabet SAL! It's a Christmas gift from my mom. First part is released January 10 and then the first of the month thereafter. Very excited! Hopefully I can keep up with the SAL. They had a sneak peek with Medusa and I love it so we'll see!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas (for those who celebrate it) and a peaceful New Year - hoping it's better than 2017.

Happy Stitching!